An automated GA4 audit of your account with different check points that gives you clear picture of the quality and the accuracy of your data.
Our new Health Check that includes various audits for ecommerce, marketing channels, general & custom configuration, will be released for free once Google Data Studio releases Google Analytics 4 as Data Control. Feel free to check our Analytics Audit Tool and give us your feedback.
Why Analytics Audit?
It takes a lot of time to audit a Google Analytics profile, as you have to check different reports and multiple settings for your account. And while you may think your data is perfectly precise, the unpleasant fact is that a lot of the people who rely on Google Analytics are relying on bad data because of broken configurations. There are too many people wasting time and resources on reporting and optimization before having fixed the measurement part. There are deadlines, deliverables, and actions you need to take on the data and in order to be actionable, data needs to be accurate and trustworthy. Otherwise, you will result in making bad business decisions based on inaccurate data. Similarly, if you’re working with clients, you want to quickly identify any implementation errors in your client’s analytics.
Automated Health Check for GA4
For this reason, we managed to automate the health check of your Google Analytics 4 account using our knowledge and the capabilities of Data Studio. With just one click and few seconds, you can easily identify gaps in the quality and accuracy of your data and decrease the time for the health check process.
Ecommerce Set Up
When comparing it with Universal Analytics, the Google Analytics 4 version is fundamentally different: from data collection and user infrastructure, to reporting and data analysis.
Whether you’re an agency or a freelancer or whether you do not have the control over the initial Google Analytics setup, you will definitely know what to expect from your Google Analytics 4 report based on our free Health Check Tool.
#13. Ecommerce Tracking
This check will let you know if you can correlate your transactions with website usage data such as sessions, purchase to view rate etc. Setting up the tracking code on all conversion pages is pre requisite as well in Google Analytics 4.
Your ecommerce tracking is reliable
There is a broken configuration in your tracking system
#14. Ecommerce Revenue
The Ecommerce Revenue check will inform you whether your revenue is reported in your Google Analytics 4 account.
You can rely on the reported revenue data
There is a gap between the actual and the reported revenue
#15. Duplicate Transactions
This audit will identify any duplicate transactions that can resulted in non-reliable reported revenue. Using a transaction ID and a time stamp when tracking ecommerce transactions will help you avoid duplicate data.
Your revenue is reported based on your actual transaction
Your GA4 account is reporting duplicate transactions/revenue
#16. View Product
The View Product check will let you know whether the user journey to getting to view actual product is successful.
Your performance in terms of user engagement with your products is effective
You must make optimization updates on your homepage and landing pages to improve shopping progression
#17. Add Product To Cart
By doing this check you will be able to identify the percentage of product viewers that are adding to their cart.
The Number of times the product was added to the shopping cart is a trustworthy metric
You should do a low optimization on the individual product page
#18. Bank & Payment Gateway Referrers
This health check will inform you about proper attribution of conversions /ecommerce transactions towards a traffic source in the presence of payment gateway referral traffic.
The original traffic source that was responsible for bringing the transaction is reported accurate
Our audit detects transactions that appears to be payment gateway traffic and breaks the transaction source attribution
In this article our goal is to make you aware of your Google analytics Set up and data by offering you our simple but comprehensive health check for free. Our Google Analytics 4 Health Checker will definitely help you interpret and act on the results of the Analytics audit checklist. Make sure to get it and give us your feedback!